Pollution of City Center by Individual Traffic
- Public participation in solving the traffic problems

Seminar 19th and 20th May 2005
Exkursion 21st May 2005


Organized by: Centre SOS Praha, Institute for Environmental Policy, MobiLocal21 - European Network of Mobility and Local Agenda 21, Independent Centre for Environmental Issues (UfU).

Objective of the Seminar: To exchange experience and examples of the best practice and solving the traffic problems in metropolis Berlin, Praha and Warszawa, and to introduce an actual issue of traffic noise, as well as to bring Civic initiatives into these problems solving.

Thursday 19th May 2005

Topic: Traffic noise
Venue: Goethe Institut, Masarykovo nábřeží 32, Praha 1
Parties concerned: Representatives of the City, NGOs, transport specialists (approx. 40 persons)

(After every 25 min presentation there are 5 min for questions)

Friday 20st May 2005

Topic: Traffic problems in the Cities Prague, Warsaw, Berlin
Venue: Ministerstvo dopravy, nábř. Ludvíka Svobody 12/1222, Praha 1
Parties concerned: Representatives of the City, NGOs, transport specialists (approx. 40 persons)

(After every presentation there are 5 min for questions)

Saturday 21st May 2005

Excursion + Workshop of NGOs representatives or other concerned persons

Languages: German, Czech, evtl. Polish. Interpreters assured.