Výzva občanských iniciativ Evropské investiční bance (EIB) u příležitosti jejího výročního zasedání v týdnu od 2.6.2003

Zasedání bude doprovázeno akcemi CEE Bankwatch Network a Friends of the Earth International. EIB u nás poskytuje půjčky mj. na výstavbu dálnice D8 přes České středohoří a Přírodní park Východní Krušné hory. Za členství v ní (v souvislosti se vstupem do EU) zaplatí ČR cca 7 mld. Kč. Banka, jejiz cinnost je "kryta" penězi danovych poplatniku clenskych statu EU, ma naprosto zoufalou informační či spíše neinformační politiku. Pokud chcete mít v budoucnu lepší možnosti být informováni o jejím rozhodování, podpořte prosím níže uvedenou výzvu. S cílem dosáhnout reformy EIB, kterou NNO v čele s CEE Bankwatch Network prohlásily za největší a nejméně transparentní rozvojovou banku na světě, jsou vyvíjeny i další aktivity, její informační politika byla však na tento rok vybrána jako prioritní téma kampaně.

Ngo Call to EIB Governors and President Maystadt for Substantial Changes in Information Policy: More Transparency is Essential

Luxembourg, 3rd June 2003

We, the undersigned non-governmental organizations call on the Governors of the European Investment Bank, led by its President, Philippe Maystadt, to undertake greater efforts in fostering timely and adequate access to information on bank's operations for affected communities and general public.

The EIB's latest attempt at an information policy is the revision released in October 2002. The bank's initiative was welcomed as an important step for dialogue with civil society on how to further improve EIB information policy. As a final outcome of the revision process, NGO find the document unsatisfactory. Today, neither communities that are being adversely affected by EIB projects nor the general public have the kind of real access to information needed to protect their interests.

The wording of the Information Policy is filled with "non-committal phrases" --promising to release information "whenever possible" and "as early as feasible".  These limitations, which are left to the complete discretion of the EIB, do not provide a solid ground for affected or interested people to obtain needed information. Moreover, the EIB still gives far too much influence to project promoters (private or public clients of the EIB) to decide if information about the project for which they sought financing will be publicly released or not. That approach undermines the basic "right to know" of affected citizens, and is unacceptable in the 21st century for a major public institution like the EIB.

Therefore we call on the Governors of the EIB, under the leadership of its President, Philippe Maystadt, to undertake immediate steps to ensure greater transparency. Key documents about projects must be made available in a timely way and in adequate languages to allow for proper consultations with the affected public and communities. Specifically we ask that for all projects it is considering financing:

The EIB ensures that affected communities, particularly indigenous peoples and other vulnerable minorities, as well as other interested parties are adequately and freely informed and consulted before the approval and throughout the life of their projects. ?    All relevant documents be made public at least 60 days before consultations, both in English and in locally appropriate language(s) and accessible to all stakeholders. ?    The EIB support only projects that enjoy the demonstrable free and prior informed consent of all affected communities.

Recognizing the added value that interested and well-informed members of the public, particularly locally affected people and non-governmental organizations in the host country, can bring to the environmental, social, cultural and economic impact assessment and monitoring processes, we ask that: All EIB social, environmental and anti-corruption policies and procedures be made public in each country of operation. Transparency of bank's internal procedures will be ensured.

More detailed we ask for the following:


Releasing of documents for projects in pipeline:

The EIB Information Policy should define a time period of minimum 120 days prior to Board decision for releasing project related information. The current "as early as feasible in the project cycle" wording allows for a very broad interpretation. Practice shows also that many projects enter the EIB's web site only after or very shortly before Board's approval.

Disclosure after a decision has been taken does not foster ownership and cannot be expected to satisfy public demands to participate in project decisions. Meaningful participation requires access to information on all projects that are still in the deliberative process.

Applying confidentiality for releasing information on projects in pipeline.

We demand that all projects under consideration be included into the Project Pipeline. Under current procedures, project information will not occur in the pipeline if "project promoter (or other business partners where appropriate)" oppose inclusion contradicts the goal of participation and partnership. Our rough estimation shows that only about 1/3 of the projects appear in the project pipeline.

All environmental, social and human rights impact assessments, debt impact analyses, construction agreements and all other project-related information that is relevant to informing people as to the project's risks should be disclosed.

Type of information which could be treated as confidential on commercial/market ground should be clearly defined and described. A full catalogue of project related documents, including documents the EIB intends to keep confidential should be disclosed.

Project Information Document:

The EIB should prepare and publicly release for each of its projects a Project Information Document. This document should contain the basic information about the project, the recipient and the contractor. It should contain a brief description of the project with data on full cost as well as amount envisaged from the EIB. If environmental or social concerns arise as indicated by the screening of the project - the document should provide results of environmental and social screening and, if applicable, how the potentially harmful results of the project will be addressed. The document should initially be 5-10 pages in length and should be available from the moment the EIB considers the project. It should be updated as the project develops and should include a list of Factual Technical Documents, such as economic analyses, feasibility studies, or other detailed project information, that is updated as well throughout project preparation The Project Information Document should also include expected date of Board Decision; estimated date of signing the loan agreement; contact details of the implementing agency and of the person at the bank responsible for the project.

The Environmental Aspect section should also include the stage of the EIA process and the results of public consultation when it is conducted. The section should also provide information outlining where it is possible to obtain EIA.

The section on Social Impacts should outline the impacts of the proposed project on individuals and communities expected to be affected, as well as measures considered  for mitigating resettlement and compensation problems, prospects for employment, project consequences on gender relations, as well as  the strategy  for soliciting public input and making public  the

results of public consultation.

Global Loans: Deliberative processes for the approval of global loans must be considered as "projects in the pipeline" disclosed just like other projects. Information must include the implementing agency, conditions attached to the global loan, and the agency's sectoral spending priorities. Possible environmental and social impacts of global loans should be addressed in the information disclosure documents. Intermediary banks receiving global loans should be obliged to follow the EIB's Information Policy as they make use of EIB funds.

Monthly summary of bank's operations.

The EIB should meet the minimum mandatory standards of other International Financial Institutions and publish a monthly summary of its operations, providing details of the name and location of all projects being considered for support, including the name of the applicant company, the size and type of planned support by the EIB, the environmental and social assessment category of the project and the planned dates for a decision on the application. This monthly summary should include notice of any new application for project transactions.


There is a considerable overlap between the Information and Environmental Policies. Therefore we include some key demands relating to the release of

a project's Environment Information.

Releasing Environmental Impacts Assessments prior the Board Approval

The EIB should adopt a clear policy that articulates the release of EIA and other project-related environmental and social documentation prior to Board Approval of a project.  The current practice, together with policies which allow the release of documents and the start of public consultations to occur after Board Approval, creates a perverse incentive to ignore the results of EIA and consultative processes as the funding is already approved. As such the EIA process becomes meaningless.

All relevant documents, including draft EIA report should be made public 60 days prior public consultations, both in English and in locally appropriate language(s), which are easily accessible to all stakeholders.

The release of a project's EIA, including results of public participation, should be mandatory before approval by the EIB Board.


The EIB should follow the best practice of other International Financial Institutions and increase the transparency of its procedures and internal evaluations. For that as a first step full Bank's Staff Directory with information on staff responsibilities and contact should be released.

The EIB should provide the public with Board documents, such as the Board's work plan, monthly calendars and agendas of Board's meetings, summaries of all lending and policy discussions within the Board of Directors, and documents discussed at the meetings.

The EIB should start to release information related to the implementation of projects, including global loans, to start with mid-term project evaluations and final evaluations of project sustainability.

The EIB should release evaluation materials related to lending operations, comparable to that of other financial institutions. Recently, the World Bank has committed itself to disclosing all "Implementation Completion Reports" and "Project Performance Audit Reports" following project completion.  The Asian Development Bank also releases its "Project Completion Reports."